Thessaloniki Book Fair

Thessaloniki Book Fair

Thessaloniki Book  Fair

Thessaloniki Book Fair, as a dynamic venue in the heart of Mediterranean, gathers every year hundreds of publishers, writers, translators, literary agents, journalists, booksellers, librarians, academics, institutions, bodies and organizations mainly for the book sector from Greece, the Balkans, Western Europe, South-Eastern Mediterranean and the many other countries. Focusing on the dialogue, the co-creation, the interaction and the development of a vibrant community around the book that will spread the vision for a cultural uplift, the Thessaloniki Book Fair hosts every year more than 300 events including: The European Young Writers’ Festival, The International Literature and Translation Festival, literary meetings, presentations, round tables, professionals’ meetings and seminars, speeches, workshops, projections, artistic and theatrical events, activities for children, parallel Cultural Events in the City, etc. The Thessaloniki Book Fair has managed to achieve a remarkable level of excellence with a rapid development in three key areas – cultural, professional and international. From a very early stage has managed to win the triple bet: to become at the same time the national cultural event for the book, an indispensable tool for the professionals, and a new international event. More than 500 Greek and 50 foreign writers and 400 publishers from 30 countries, participate in this innovative platform of circulation and exchange of ideas.


Read more on Aldus publication European Book Fairs: Facts and Figures