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On March 5 and 6 2024, the Mainz Reading Seminar took place at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz to talk about what the title suggests – reading promotion, reading competence, reading research…


On 5 and 6 March, the Mainz Rearing seminar organised by Aldus Up was held at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. The event brough together Aldus Up project partners and several experts..

Kelly Zhang

Author, Literary Translator , Freelancer/Self-employed
Kelly Zhang is a Chinese Canadian author and literary translator working between Chinese and English. She is passionate about promoting contemporary Sinophone literature ..
Artist Author Editor..

Recommendations on social media are the second most important factor influencing the purchase of books, indicated as decisive by 14% of Italian readers. Only the discount, with 17% of mentions..


Who is the reader today? What does it mean to read today? These are the questions that led the meeting Gli altri modi di leggere (The Other Ways of Reading),..