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Cornelius Conteh

Business Development Manager, Bloom Bank Africa SL Ltd
+ Professional Biography: Cornelius Alusine Conteh Cornelius Alusine Conteh is a distinguished sales professional with over seven years of experience in customer servi..

(This article lists the contents addressed in the latest edition of Readmagine, with the specification of the panels and workshops and the experts participating in each of them. From the..


Audience development for book reading from TV experiences One of the most important facts in the content marketing worldwide has been the raise of the TV streaming platforms. We are..


One of the main objectives of the Aldus Up project is to work to improve the “audience development” of book fairs and the publishing sector in general. Aldus Up has..


Recommendations on social media are the second most important factor influencing the purchase of books, indicated as decisive by 14% of Italian readers. Only the discount, with 17% of mentions..


Who is the reader today? What does it mean to read today? These are the questions that led the meeting Gli altri modi di leggere (The Other Ways of Reading),..