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Adiela Akoo is a Poet/Author. She is the Founder and Editor of The Quilled Ink Review Literary journal. She is also the CEO of Quilled Ink Press, an independent small pre..

BotTalk is one of the winner of the 2021 edition of ContentShift, the accelerator for startups launched by Börsenverein and dedicated to fostering innovation in the content industry. Aldus Up takes..


Who owns the copyright on a book written by artificial intelligence? Above all: is there a copyright on such materials? And how should the rights holders of the millions of..


Artificial intelligence has been making the headlines, especially since the brilliant release of ChatGPT3 a few months ago. Beyond the technical prowess, it’s the arrival of generative artificial intelligence and..


In the program of this year´s Bologna Children´s Book Fair (BCBF 2023) topics around the use of artificial intelligence were covered by an expectably high number of events. An interesting..

Settembre 1986 fonda Casa editrice Bose Giesse con mansione di Responsabile delle pubblicazioni, della comunicazione, della produzione – attualmente ancora attiva con l..