A recent survey submitted to some European publishers has shown that most of them publish e-books in EPUB 2 format and that the biggest obstacle perceived in moving to EPUB..
Co-funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, ARDITO is a project aimed at providing simple tools and services to support SMEs in the creative content sector to..
The European Digital Reading Lab (EDRLab) is an innovative non-profit organization based in Paris, headquarter of both IDPF and the Readium Foundation and member of the W3C. Its main objectives..
As the success of the 2015 edition proved, the EDItEUR’s International Supply Chain Seminar, relaunched last year as a mini-conference one day ahead of the Frankfurt Book Fair, is an..
On 12 October, FEP, in collaboration with STM, organised an Innovation Day in Brussels, in the framework of the Aldus project. It was an innovative event format to show the..
The last edition of TPAC 2016, the annual meeting of the W3C Technical Plenary, took place at the end of September. TPAC is the most important meeting of all those..