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Sono autrice e cantasstorie mi occupo di allenamento della fantasia attraverso percorsi di gioco con la scrittura per grandi e piccini. Il mio brand si chiama The Storyt..

There were than 10 million comic book readers in Italy in 2022: up 17.2 percent over the previous year, representing 23 percent of the population aged 15 to 74. It’s..

Settembre 1986 fonda Casa editrice Bose Giesse con mansione di Responsabile delle pubblicazioni, della comunicazione, della produzione – attualmente ancora attiva con l..

Trade publishing in Italy in 2022 (print fiction and non-fiction books sold in physical bookshops, online and through major retail chains) sold €1.671 billion in sales at cover price, with..

Inspired by his mother’s bedtime story sessions Taraka Leonardo Vipulaguna has become an avid member of the club of all time fairy tale lovers. Even as he grew up as th..