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Engin Memiş

Writer and publisher, Kitapdostu Publishing House
Kitapdostu Yayınları (Kitapdostu Publishing House) Erman Basım Yayın Dağıtım (Kitapdostu Yayınları) was founded in 2010. We published totally 131 books up to da..

By Simona de Rosa, PhD (Member of the Board of Directors at the DEN Institute)   Over the last decades, the adoption of digital technology led to the transformation of..

Sono autrice e cantasstorie mi occupo di allenamento della fantasia attraverso percorsi di gioco con la scrittura per grandi e piccini. Il mio brand si chiama The Storyt..

Alongside the well-renowned conference of Readmagine by FGSR, on June 9th Fondazione LIA organized the third edition of the Accessibility Camp in Madrid. Organized in the framework of Aldus UP and thanks to the collaboration of Libranda and Germán..