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On March 5 and 6 2024, the Mainz Reading Seminar took place at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz to talk about what the title suggests – reading promotion, reading competence, reading research…

Giuliano Bicchierai

journalist, Ti presento un libro al giorno
I coordinate a current literary blog in Italian "ti presento un libro al giorno"..

On 5 and 6 March, the Mainz Rearing seminar organised by Aldus Up was held at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. The event brough together Aldus Up project partners and several experts..


Eighteen months from the time when the European Accessibility Act will unfold its effects on the digital content and book supply chain, the APACE project is born: the network coordinated..

Personal information First name: Nazila Last name: Javadpour Birth date: 10/2/1367 Nationality: Iranian. Turkish. marital status: Single address: First floor, No...