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On March 5 and 6 2024, the Mainz Reading Seminar took place at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz to talk about what the title suggests – reading promotion, reading competence, reading research…


On 5 and 6 March, the Mainz Rearing seminar organised by Aldus Up was held at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. The event brough together Aldus Up project partners and several experts..

Leon Bleser

Research Assistant, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
I graduated from JGU Mainz with a Master of Arts in Book and Reading Studies, writing my final thesis on the (possible) changes that AI brings to the audiobook production..

Engin Memiş

Writer and publisher, Kitapdostu Publishing House
Kitapdostu Yayınları (Kitapdostu Publishing House) Erman Basım Yayın Dağıtım (Kitapdostu Yayınları) was founded in 2010. We published totally 131 books up to da..

Gerlinde Hacker Hacker

President, Interessensgemeinschaft feministische Autorinnen
Hacker - Writer, Literature Activist, Project Manager Email: Website: Location: 1050 Vienna Phone: +43 664 34 057 43 ..

European publishing, especially that of smaller countries, needs support to break into foreign marketsand a huge imbalance persists between titles bought and sold, compared to the English-language market. At the..